Root cause of all fear and absolute remedy

  Love and blessings from the home of the God

Fear is a common experience that every human has experienced or is experiencing right now 

I have observed that there is an underlying fear behind each of our actions. our all actions are motivated by fear (including speech, thinking because they are actions)

Fear is the subject and the thing about which fear is created is an object of fear .subject and object live together, we can not have object without subject and the subject can not be realised without the object.

Fear is the subject and thoughts are objects. we recognize the presence of fear by the emergence of fearful thought without that thought we can not sense fear and fear can not come without thought. Both are vital for the existence of each other.

Thoughts are the objects I am believing.

fear of what will happen to me is making me do something to secure my future.

Fear of I do not Wright good content for my blog is making me do research, fear of what u will think after reading this blog is making me beautify my blog, fear of I do not end like other people is making me read books, search a good job or meditate or earn wealth

  But where does it come from🤔?

From the desire to be fearless, fear of what u will think after reading this blog is due to the desire of being fearless of what u will think hence came the desire of beautifying my blog so that u do not think bad (only think good) and thus the action

 fear of I do not end up suffering like other people is due to the  desire of being fearless of facing pain, sadness, hence emerges the desire for self-improvement and thus the action

 fear of I do not earn sufficient money has come from the desire of being fearless from the insecurity of having a lack of fortune thus comes the desire to increase my stocks, assets, and investments.

It is so so so deep that the mind questions how can this be true even this thought has come from fear or pain of facing confusion or resistance to change the preexisting ideas which do not serve u in reality.

One can see that fear is giving rise to every desire so does to the actions, I fear losing someone because I want whatever I was getting from that person it can be love, happiness or acceptance .this is the reason why we do not that much miserable on the death of someone with whom we do not have that much affection .means what I want is the thing I was getting from that individual, it is not about that person because if it would be then everyone must have had the same perception about the same person but this is not the case the person whom we love so much, can be tremendously hated by other.

What those two different persons are seeing in the same person is different behaviours and that person is seeing different behaviours in those two.

The fundamental reason for this is we have attached the person with their behaviours which are subject to wild shift and fluctuations .this are the many couples find or think that they are best for each other but after marriage same person seems to be changed, only because of the emergence of some behaviour in one partner which other partner thought he does not have and only the absence of very same behaviour can be the reason of why he or she has chosen the other.

Just like one person can be loved by someone but hated by another, one thing can be feared by one but not by another but that person also has fear of different things.

What is common in both is fear, not that thing means that thing is value-neutral if it would be outside the exact  thing should be feared by everyone but that's not the case 

does then fear even exist🤔?

It exists only in the mind, it is the perception of the person which coloured the reality of things outside making it fearful or making the same thing cheerful for another.

We mistakenly put the finger outward, the reason is a lack of knowledge about who we are, we identify ourselves with something which we are not and realising who I am will dissolve every vulnerability.

                    The way out is in 

The solution to this is self-inquiry 
 I can give u some hacks or so-called top remedies but many are giving that it still does not work, hence I think u are reading this another article, it does work but for short period many people report a reappearance of fear after some time.

What I want to give u is the absolute and the only permanent solution to not only fear but all your problems, fear gives birth to anxiety, sadness, anger, and irritation. it seems it did not but it does. the tiny techniques are for if your fear is overpowering u and u do not have time to sit and meditate if u are on stage or in an office meeting, some short exercises are beneficial for that but what u need is a permanent solution and purpose behind manufacturing those exercises to temporary ameliorate the problem so that u can dig deep in the roots of the problem.
Hence I will give u some exercise to quickly dissipate your fear also check the article on self-inquiry to know who u are? Link 🔗 is below.

             Exercises for quick relief from                                             fear 
  • Give the mind a substitute for what it is fearing for exa. if the mind says I might lose my job say I can have another one.
  • Meditate regularly on your true nature.
  • Practice gratitude, give thanks every evening for any wonderful 5 things that happened to u that day and start your day by being thankful for things like being able to wake up today (at least 70,000 people die after going to bed, be grateful that u are the one who is still alive, isn't it worth to grateful about?) be thankful to you are still breathing, u can say thank u to little little things happened throughout the day.
     Initially, u can feel thankful for what?        but trust me it works just to say thank u,      and the things to be thankful about will emerge, at least thankfulness to being able to say thank u will personify.

  • If it feels unbearable bring your attention to in and out of breath, for that practising Mindfulness daily is very helpful.

Fear does not extend to the situation where it feels intolerable, it was always there it is just that we noticed it after it's been amplified, it is just that some outside situation triggers that seed of fear and it has manifested in the mind as anxiety or any bodily signs. mindfulness assist u in seeing its presence in none triggered situation and healing is possible only when u are aware of it even if the situation is not there

  • Take positive information in, u can watch any video full of positive information or read a meditative book for that get your playlist ready so that u don't make your mind more confused in searching for positive info which can worsen the fear and anxiety caused by it 

      •change your perception about fear, ask what this fear trying to tell u if u fear you might lose your job, it is telling u to work more efficiently, if u fear what will happen to your children, it is telling .you to do something to protect them, in other words, turn fear into fantasy. some fear can be ambiguous like fear of what people will think, or sudden panic for that we have the deeper process of self-inquiry 

  This will give solace to the problem but can not end the problem hence do some inner work, and initiate some daily positive habits.

Start self-inquiry here, Guide to self-inquiry

  Now, is the juncture of implementation, fear will not dissipate suddenly it will take time if u are anxious about why u are not getting results just remind fear also has taken time to become this much loud. so be patient with the practice.

Feel free to ask any questions if u have such in your mind, I will be thankful to answer them through whatever I know till now.

*Blessings till next read!

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